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It’s the most wonderful time of the year apparently! Indulgence and more indulgence all in the name of Christianity. We all know it’s just a great excuse to go mad. To eat and drink ourselves into oblivion, sure its only one week isnt it?

The trouble is a lot of it is very rich and starchy food. Mince pies, christmas cake, christmas pudding and pastry nibbles to name just a few. Unfortunately it does all add up. I hate counting calories but at Christmas it might actually be worth it. The twelve days of Christmas could turn into the 12 pounds or worse, the 12 kilos of Christmas if you are not careful.

                                 “Don’t be silly” I hear you cry, that is ridiculous.
“I would never let myself go that far” you say.

It is possible. When I worked on the cruise ship we had a 35 day cruise and I did a weight management program for guests to keep themselves in check. I had one lady who put on 30 pounds (13.6kg) in 35 days. That’s over ONE MILLION calories. Think about it! With one mince pie cruising in at approximately 280 calories it’s easy to see who ate all the pies!

So what can you do to limit the damage and avoid rolling into 2020 with a few extra layers of insulation?


1. Make a conscious decision to maintain your current weight.
Even if you are a bit cuddly now and could loose a few kilos it doesn’t matter. Stay as you are, put the fork down and think about that second helping. You do not need it. Try and stick to your normal eating or better on non party days. Buy fresh and healthy snacks. Have fruit and veg in your bag, for lunch so that you are not snacking on crap!Think about what engagements you have coming up and plan your intake. If you know your going to a friends house with nibbles then just try and have a light lunch to combat those tasty delights. It’s unlikely you will be able to resist at the party, plus your host will think your rude!2. Booze is not real fuel!
Neither is the crap that you eat when your drunk! Did you ever enjoy a hangover? Try and hydrate between drinks, have drinks with ice or have a non booze party. It is possible to enjoy yourself without alcohol. Unfortunate it is empty calories, devoid of nutrition  and also a depressant. Cheers!

3. Wear a belt at all times! 
Not just for men. Wearing loose fitting, baggy clothes and elasticated waists are a disaster. Try and wear a belt, it will let you know soon enough if you have gone overboard. No cheating! Opening your belt under the table cloth is a no no! Cheaters never win. Ditch your “round the house joggy bottoms” for a while too. They will trick you into a false sense of comfort. Besides, this is no time to be a house slob. Who knows the doorbell just might ring?


3. Stay active. 
Easier said than done, especially here in Ireland. Its cold, damp and dark. Get moving no matter how lazy and full you feel. It will aid digestion and keep you regular. Borrow a doggy and go for a walk. Involve your kids, have they gotten new bikes and are dying to cycle? Walk the long way to a social engagement. Get off the bus a few stops early. Go for a Christmas day swim. If there are elderly relatives bring them too. They need daylight and exercise too. Make sure there is a coffee shop or park bench on your route in case they need a break. Dance to Christmas music in your sitting room. Anything! Just keep moving.


5. Put down that biscuit.
Or whatever it is in your hand. Eat consciously. How many times have you eaten a bag of crisps, for example, got to the end and wondered what happened all the crisp? Try and taste your food, put down the knife and fork occasionally. Use chop sticks to slow you down if you have to. Chew your food and taste it instead of hoovering it up. You are a human being not a waste disposal unit.

6. Ditch the resolutions.
New Years resolutions suck! They are so cliched and no one ever sticks to them anyway.
Do yourself a favor and ditch the whole new year new you rubbish your being sold.Change only comes with consistency, there is no magic wand, quick fix or short cut. Trust me If there was I would have found it!! If you are consistently exercising, consistently minding yourself and eating well most of the time the damage will be limited!That also goes for your mental health. It is important with the darkness and cold weather to be mindful of your total well being. The festive season can also cause anxiety, stress and depression. Not everyone loves it and while your off enjoying it, keep an eye out for those who maybe be quietly suffering.


7. Failure to prepare is preparation to fail!   
Make sure you have your spot booked in one of my classes. I have two new classes coming this January.

  1. Stretch and Relax on Mondays
  2. Boot camp sculpt and tone on Wednesdays


  1. All my classes are suitable for all genders. Check out a class that will suit your fitness and ability here 

Check out my online classes on YouTube


So these few simple measures should make your transition into the new decade a little less of an ordeal in the waist line department. Unfortunately I can’t help you with the rubbish present you wish you hadn’t received or the fact that Brussels sprouts make their annual comeback. Never mind, there is always next Christmas to get what you really want.Join me in the New Year for Yoga, Sculpt and tone, stretch and relax or  Pilates. I have classes to suit everyone. Beginners to advanced. Check out my timetable and locations here. 

Seasons greetings

About the Author:
Sinéad Kennedy is a Physical TherapistYoga Siromani and Pilates Instructor. She is also a Personal Development Coach and relationship Coach. Based in both Rathfarnham and Dundrum, South County Dublin. She treats and teaches people from all walks of life, including many athletes, especially cyclists, runners and golfers. Recently featured on the Elaine Show as well as the Irish Independent, FIT Magazine and Breaking you can follow her success on her YouTube Channel.

A keen cyclist and proud member of Orwell Wheeler’s she has completed numerous cycling events including Tour delle Dolomiti,  Alto de Letras, Les Cinglés du Mont Ventoux & La Marmotte Sportive. She is an accomplished audax-er having done numerous 200km and 300km routes. Sinéad has also completed three Dublin City Marathons, numerous Adventure Races and Half Marathons.

One Comment

  • term paper writing service says:

    If you tried to be fit for the past years but failed later on, this might be the perfect way to redeem yourself and come up with a way on how you can make yourself better. All it takes is a dedication from the supposed things that you will do, and you will surely get there! At the same time, discipline. You need to remind yourself the reason why you are doing it and how big you want to do it. Sinéad Kennedy, thank you for writing this article for us!

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