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I have been fortunate enough to spend New Years Eve abroad on numerous occasions. The most spectacular was Sydney, Australia.

World renowned for their firework display at midnight, one cant help but get excited about the New Year ahead.

At this time of year magazines are in overdrive, telling us ways we can improve ourselves. How to achieve the body you always wanted, how to get healthier, thinner, how to make this year your best ever, forget all the problems of the last year and be happy.

There is intense  pressure to be skinny, feel better, change, be more successful, be a better you.

The New Year / January doesn’t have to be about other people making you feel inadequate, remember they are just trying to sell papers and magazines.

Why not make January a time to commit to your mental health and expand your mind.


Learn Something New!

  • Improve an already existing skill. Brush up your technique, go for a lesson to refresh your knowledge.
  • Aim for a new challenge, take your hobby away, why not looking into trips abroad, painting in the south of France, cycling in Italy, running in the great Ethiopian run, the New York Marathon, walking in Spain. 
  • Have a go at something new, Kayaking, Bridge, Fly a Kite, learn a language for all the foreign trips you will be on.
  • Go to a photography class, you will want to impress everyone with your new adventures.
  • Painting, flower arranging, archery, horse riding.. the list is endless.
  • Take an online course if you can’t commit to a structured class

Get Social:
If your not interested in learning something new, or have enough on your plate, why not just commit to being more sociable.Pick up the phone and have a chat, is there someone who rang you and you haven’t returned their call?Do you mean to meet up with friends  but the time is just never right, something else always comes up?People appreciate it when you make the effort, a phone call costs very little but can make someones day. You too will enjoy the time out and hopefully have a laugh with your friend. Make arrangements and stick to them, it doesn’t have to be an expensive meal, a walk and a chat are just as good.

Don’t make January a time to feel bad about yourself, the nights are short and there are enough dark clouds around. Use January as a launch pad, make some plans for further along in the year and start to work towards them.

The magazines will be back to normal in a week or two, Easter Eggs will start to appear as will the daffodils. The evenings will be getting longer and longer and before you know it, it will be Summer. Don’t wish your winter away, see it as the calm before the adventures begin.


About the Author:
Sinéad Kennedy is a Physical Therapist, Yoga Siromani and Pilates Instructor, based in South County Dublin. She treats and teaches people from all walks of life, including many athletes, especially cyclists, runners and golfers. A keen cyclist and proud member of Orwell Wheelers she is currently training for the Marmotte Sportive, Alps, July 2014. Sinéad has completed two Dublin City Marathons, numerous Adventure Races, Half Marathons and Cycling Events.

One Comment

  • uk bestessay says:

    If you think that the past year was not really good and you believe that you can still improve, then a new year could be a perfect phase to embrace for changes. It should start from you. If there were things you haven’t done and you are dreaming to experience it, then you need several ways to make it happen. But most importantly, you need to do things that will make you happy. I believe that we should prioritize our own happiness over anything else.

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