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Fed up with shop bought bars? 
Getting hungry at the wrong time? 
Want something tasty, cheaper, healthier and easy to make? 

Read on! 
Gluten Free Power Bars 
might just be what you need!

These bars are really great, especially for long distance cycling/ endurance sports. They are a little sticky and sweet, contain lots wholesome ingredients, will give you tonnes of energy and won’t break the bank.

Preheat the oven, 200c, there about’s!
(I don’t measure, weigh or really bother much with exacts for these bars.)



Light Condensed Milk
Gluten Free Rolled Oats

Optional/ Suggestions:
Mixed Seeds
Flaked Almonds
Coconut Sprinkles
Dried Cranberries & Chopped Macadamia Nuts
Flax Mix
Cocoa Powder.

In the past I have also added in Peanut butter, Protein Powder, Raisins, Cherries & Chopped Dates.
You can add anything in, it’s really whatever I have in my cupboard at the time! Mix and match!
The great thing is you have total freedom, everyone can be catered for, leave out nuts, put in gluten, it’s entirely up to you.


Measure all the raw ingredients in the tin you will be baking it in.
Just pile it all in.
Heat up the condensed milk in a large saucepan on a low-medium heat.** Condensed milk is very sweet. I don’t use the whole can. Pour into your saucepan what comes out of the can naturally. Don’t scrape it or force the milk out. You can always add more if you feel you need it.**When the milk is warm, remove from heat. Stir in all the ingredients.


Get the mixture to bind.
The condensed milk will give a lovely stickiness to the mixture.Press the mixture back into the baking tray.
Smooth it out.
Pop into the oven.
10-15 minutes depending on your oven. 
If you haven’t used cocoa, when the oats are brown they are done. If you used cocoa keep on eye on them, bit harder to tell.


Remove from oven and score them into fingers.

**Leave them in the tin to cool. They will fall apart if you try removing them now.**


When they are cool remove from tin.

Remember they are for training! They are highly calorific so break one in half to taste! Enjoy!

I get about 14 bars from one batch, that’s enough for 7 cycles.
Put them in the freezer, just remember to take out a few the night before your event.

Job done!
Bon Appetit!


About the Author:
Sinéad Kennedy is a Physical Therapist, Yoga Siromani and Pilates Instructor, based in South County Dublin. She treats and teaches people from all walks of life, including many athletes, especially cyclists, runners and golfers. A keen cyclist and proud member of Orwell Wheelers she is currently training for the Marmotte Sportive, Alps, July 2014. Sinéad has completed two Dublin City Marathons, numerous Adventure Races, Half Marathons and Cycling Events.


  • Bui duy says:


  • Bui Khac Phuong Duy says:

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