We all want to look good, feel good about about ourselves and of course stay fit and healthy for longevity. We all know we should move more, eat better and especially in January the pressure is on to shift the flab.
So you heard about Pilates? It has something to do with core strength, posture, breathing and is good for your back. Yes that’s all true but what are the real reasons for joining a class?
I asked my clients why they come to class and I was surprised by their answers. Perhaps we join classes for other reasons!
This is actually quite a big one. Investing in yourself for yourself is underestimated by a lot of us. We forget that we are all busy during the day, answering phones, working, children, supermarkets and all the mundane stuff that is life. It really is important to have that “me time” and do something to make you feel good about yourself. One of my ladies confessed that it was the only time she got all day to herself and she wasn’t really bothered about Pilates, it was just an excuse to leave her husband with the kids for one night!
As a teacher I often forget that. While I like think people come to me for my expertise it is in fact a lot more basic. They just want to be told what to do. I have a kettle and tea bags and yet I love going out for a cuppa with friends! It’s the same thing. We all want to be taken care of/ served by someone else! Being told what to do, not having to think and being able to switch off are actually really important. It’s up to the teacher to ensure you get a good all over workout, it’s exciting and challenging. You just turn up and take part!
There is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. We all look at the person next to us and see how they are doing. Especially in some classes where I give an add on for those who need more of a challenge. It’s good to push yourself and be the best in class. Who doesn’t want to look good / shine be the star pupil?
Its great to have something in common with people. Especially after taking part in a class you have an ice breaker. Many of my attendees have been coming for quite a few years and they in turn have made friends. I hear them talking about nights out etc. We are social creatures and need to bond with others.
Life takes it toll on us and some suffer more than others physically. It’s the one big thing I hear a lot of in class, especially after the Christmas break. “I’m stiff!”
“My back flared up”
“I feel like my tummy has gone to mush”
Pain is aging, taxing on our bodies and may inhibit what we can and can’t do. Pain is exhausting and can drag you down.
Like any sport Pilates requires consistency and a little dedication. Yes you should get down on the floor in between classes and do a few minutes, yes you should be looking after your posture but life is busy. All you can do is your best.
So yes Pilates will teach you to look after your body, engage your core and improve your posture but perhaps the mental health benefits of a Pilates class are a little over looked. It’s not just about having the flattest tummy or the healthiest back. It is about committing to yourself, giving yourself valuable time out, meeting others and being challenged physically.
So what’s not to love about Pilates?
Ready to Join a class?
Join me Tuesday Nights Loreto Primary School, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.
Tuesday: 6:30pm Pilates for Beginners, Improvers and Mature Persons
7:30pm Pilates for Improvers and Intermediates
8:30pm Yoga for Beginners, Perfect Posture for All
Or join me Thursday Mornings in K.A.I.E.S Knocklyon, Dublin 16
Thursday: 10am Pilates Beginners and Mature Persons

About the Author:
Sinéad Kennedy is a Physical Therapist, Yoga Siromani and Pilates Instructor, based in South County Dublin. She treats and teaches people from all walks of life, including many athletes, especially cyclists, runners and golfers. Recently featured in the Irish Independant, FIT Magazine, her Yoga 4 Cyclists class has gained notoriety. A keen cyclist and proud member of Orwell Wheelers she has completed numerous cycling events including La Marmotte Sportive. Sinéad has also completed three Dublin City Marathons, numerous Adventure Races and Half Marathons. In her spare time you will find her trekking in the Himalayas, walking Camino de Santiago or exploring some far and exotic country!